Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Perception vs. Reality

So nothing new for the most part. This week is going soooo slowly. Why can't it be Friday? It is in my mind. Perception is reality's equivalent in so many other things, why not this one? Ugh.

Interesting Fact #1:
Thanks to a keen observation, I have realized that I do indeed have the same luggage as April on Eastbound and Down. Fancy that.

Interesting Fact #2:
The Beatles played the Las Vegas Convention Center in 1964. Some 8,500 fans paid just $4 each for tickets. If only, right?

My workout today was alright. It seems to be getting harder though instead of easier and I don't like that one bit. If Missi wasn't doing it with me I don't think I'd be as dedicated. The rest of the week is going to be pretty boring I think. Not doing much until Friday. Tomorrow is April Fool's Day. Hurray (I almost typed 'hurry') for getting to listen to people say dumb stuff and then go "April Fool's". Take note that I will not be believing anything anyone has to say tomorrow so don't even try. Also, my birthday is fast approaching. Any suggestions on what to do?

T-minus 23 days and counting.

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