Monday, March 9, 2009

The Finishing Touch

Some things I forgot:

-Bologna sandwiches are much better than knuckle ones

-"hey, who turned out the lights?"

Also, there is something infinitesimally wrong about leaving for school when it is still dark out. This morning was terrible. Although that may have had something to do with not sleeping too.

Rebecca and I had a lovely ice cream dinner tonight. We went to Braums because I got a craving for it. Speaking of cravings, I still want barbecue. This happens about once a year. It's very strange, but I'm sure I will end up going to Spring Creek or something. Who wants to get barbecue with me? Rebecca?? Just kidding! After dinner we went to Half-price Books and I bought two of my favorite children's books: Thundercake and The Rainbabies. I introduced Rebecca to The Rainbabies, but Thundercake is a shared favorite of ours. We read them together out loud and all cute and stuff. :) I also bought an Emmylou Harris record and a ZZ Top record. Then we went elsewhere and I got a surprise. Hahahaha. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


bRandy said...

i know what other stores are in the same shopping center as the half-price books missy...hmm....

Kimmy said...

Hahaha. The romance store? Nah, I didn't go there unfortunately. :)