Monday, March 30, 2009

Coffee talk

I had a fantastic weekend. I went to Black Tie Dynasty's last concert which was very sad. We were on the front row which was good, but the people behind me were so drunk and kept running into me. That in turn pushed me into the stage and that was not very comfortable. I pushed them back and turned around to glare at them. There was also a gentleman who could NOT hold his liquor. He would lose his balance all of the time and fell towards me quite a few times. There were some worse incidents with this too. I almost lost my cool and turned around and punched him in the face. It was a good concert though. I just think that Rebecca and Junior enjoyed it a bit more because they were by people a bit more behaved. I still had fun though and am definitely glad I went. :) So I went to accounting just now and they were still covering the previous chapter so I just picked up my stuff and came back home. I have made a brilliant discovery though. There is a very strong correlation between the amount of caffeine I drink and accounting. Now I am sitting on the couch watching the news and drinking coffee. They're talking about bacon. I'm changing the channel. I don't have much planned for this week. Just a couple of movie nights I think. Friday I'm going to stay with Lolo (my aunt) I think and take her to her hair appointment Saturday before I have to go to mine. It's a long story, but she's had her license revoked and is fighting it, but in the meantime she can't drive. I'll probably be spending more time with her. Nothing else for the weekend is set yet. So I don't know what I'll be doing. My parents are going to Austin I think. It's about time to go back to class though. Laters.

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