Tuesday, January 27, 2009

No escuela

School was canceled today because of ice. :) Yay! So I slept in and now Rebecca and I are sitting here watching Saved by the Bell and Fresh Prince and I'm drinking coffee. The only downside is that my head feels like it's going to implode and my allergies are killing me on top of that. I think I may have scratched my eye. Woops. Last time I did that I had to get an eye patch. Which there are pictures of. It's quite comical. Look at this. It's super cool and I wish I could do it, but it costs $100. Anyway, it's just about time to start getting ready for work. I hope everyone has a great day!

1 comment:

bRandy said...

the geno project seems cool...i wonder if they'll be able to tell whether keaton, daniel, or ben are my baby's daddy too? lol...totally kidding, i know you got to keaton first! :) i like your blog--i'll keep checking it out.