Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Never was so much owed by so many to so few

What a sad day. My boys put up a good fight, but it was just too late. I take comfort in the fact that Chelsea will now have to play Barca. Lol. They will be gloriously defeated.

So recap for today:
- Liverpool 4 - 4 Chelsea
- Cody is gonna get his ass kicked in I-spy
- I'm having to study until my little brain can't take it anymore
- Boo is the best roomie and I love Wuthering Heights
- There is a major downside to having the most comfortable, beautiful bed in the world

Also, old people trying to be act younger is a major annoyance for me. I was sitting at Starbucks trying to study accounting and a couple of old ladies (I use the term old loosely - probably in their 40's) sit down near the table I'm working at. This didn't bother me. They were irritating, but not that bad. I could tune them out. Then about 10 minutes goes by and about 6 other people come waltzing in and join them. There was a huge group of them sitting right in front of me all chattering away. Talking about their lame-ass Camaros and other dumb cars they've had "professional race car drivers work on". If they were actually cool they'd be talking about the new Aston Martin or wouldn't have to say anything at all. Then one of them (a man who looked like he was in his 30's but already balding and who looked like he lived with his mother still) sat back down with a vanilla frappacino and they were all amazed. The fantastically annoying woman who had the race car driver work on her car and who was dressed like a 15-year-old was like "what is that? it's so pretty." And of course he had to make it seem as though it was the best drink in the world and he was an expert on Starbucks drinks. Who flippin cares? No one. Anyway, I finished up the problem I was working on, slammed my books shut, and walked right through them. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. I was a little pissed because I had actually been getting some good work done prior to all this. <> Sorry about that. Is it not the weekend yet? Someone wake me when it is.

Welcome the newest member of Al Qaeda.

I hope everyone's Easter's were great. I got to talk to a bunch of people I really don't care about or know very well. Although I did find out that my cousin flirted with the actor that plays Gambit in the new Xmen movie on the set of Friday Night Lights. I thought that was kinda cool. Enough for tonight. Gotta hit the books.

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