Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn

Things I've learned today:

- Some things will never completely add up, so there's no point in trying to force it; all we can do is try to understand it to the best of our ability and be open-minded.

- Realization and appreciation are not the same.

- There has been a deluded cougar in our midst and her name is Brandy

3 things. Not too bad for one day. Someone also tried to explain something about baseball to me, but you mention baseball and what I hear starts to sound more like a bee in my ear than anything else. I really should attempt to pay more attention. Unfortunately I just don't care. :)
6 days.


bRandy said...

hahaha...well you did just as you said. i am both devastated and enticed by my newfound role as a cougar. send them young boys my way...i'll teach 'em a thing or two and then send 'em back to ya--and you'll be glad i did! lol wow, i'm such a perv...hahaha

Keaton Donald Esq. said...

How can you teach the man that knows everything though?

marinate on that for a second

Kimmy said...
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