Monday, March 23, 2009

Becca boo is back!

Rebecca is back from Spring Break!!! Woo! I have someone other than my cat to talk to. :) My stomach hurts from laughing so hard. Check this video out:

Fast forward to about 1:03. There you will find the single greatest moment I have seen on TV in a long time.
Quote: It is music to musician’s ears. “I don’t have a lot of money,” said Simon Stipp. He would love to drop some dough on a vintage guitar. Hahahahaha.

New word I made up: binocuscopes (binoculars + telescopes) For some reason I was thinking of binoculars and it just came out binocuscopes. I think some wires in my brain got mixed up. My workout with Missi was killer. We did synergistics today and I am dead. It took me a couple of minutes to make it up the stairs to the apartment. Lol. I had to go lay on the floor in Rebecca's room for a couple of minutes to regain the strength to move. I'm kind of excited about the rain that's supposed to come in. I wish it were greener here. I need to move to Washington. I have something to post, but it's at work so I'll have to post it tomorrow.

~"That is not the American spirit. Did Davy Crockett quit at the Alamo? Did Jim Bowie?"
~"No, they were massacred by like a gazillion angry Mexicans."

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